Ebay woes.


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
I know you all love reading this stuff :LOL:

Finally found a fairly well reviewed HT frame, in XL, and this is my 2nd only new frame my size.

Seller accepts £115, new other.

Arrived about 3 or 4 day later.

I open, and the frame is sitting int he box loose with a bubble wrap bag.

Straight away I can see the headtube is dented, and no way a headset would fit, plus likely too bad to heat and tap back out.
All the foam packaging, the plastic support bits, the rolled up cardboard. All in there, none of it fitted. The foam protector box for the headtube was there, with its 2" thick foam. One little bit of tape that held it on, so I could see he hadn't fitted it and it had fallen off. No secondry bit of tape. Same with the other bits, the original bits of tape and no more placed on(clinical inspection :LOL: )
Sent via DPD (infer what you will :LOL: )

Contact seller. and duly send some pics(on my Dartmor Primal 27.5 thread)

Seller starts off claiming there was no dent when sent, look at the pictures. Bit of an odd thing to say I thought. Obviously it was a damage in transit thing. No need to introduce those points :?

His next email
(I at this point insist we correspond inside ebay )

I don't understand why you said it's my fault? Frame was packed in frame box and bubble wrap. I received my new frame exactly in the same box and everything was all right. I think you should check frame before you sign to courier and if is something wrong everything will be clear. I don't wanna say maybe you damegeg frame but I send frame without any damages. You can see on the pictures there is no dent.

Again telling me theres no dent LOOK LOOK NO DENT :shock:
My sisters at my shoulder here and the look of 'it was bloody damaged before it went in the box look' :LOL:

Obviously I reiterate damaged in transit. I'll return, you claim parcel insurance.

Comes back that its my fault because I did not open the box and check the contents upon receipt, thus finding the damage at the front door, then rejecting it for the driver to return to the depo i would think.

I explained the delivery driver, isn't a return or pick up driver, and that i cannot do the check. Its a case of open, find damage,contact sender, arrange return, refund and then the sender, him would claim via DPD

He's adamant that because I didn't check it, its all my fault, and the onus is now all on me and theres nothing he can do.

I know, but I realized I was dealing with an IQ ranging between 85 and 90 and that it only works in his head the way he thinks it should work for him. :facepalm:

Sounds a complete dickhead, but either way im out return postage, plus he sounds like the tantrum type, so I can only hope he doesnt then damage the parcel further, just to cause a nuisance.

I think ill maybe construct a hardboard box to put his in :? ensure there can be no later claims of further damage to the packaging.

Thankfully these days i can print off a label, which is scanned upon its delivery, and its that scan initiates the refund. I think :? Rather than the seller taking the buyer for a time wasting ride.


you shouldn't be out of pocket, it's 100% the responsibility of the sender to sort it out, which they can maybe claim back via DPD. DPD will want photos of the packaging though, inside and out to show how the damage occurred.
If you paid with Paypal, then you can open a dispute case with ebay. Take some photos and send them with the case details.
Uuuughhhh....crappy situation. In the US, packages get dropped at my door, sometimes they sit for hours on my porch before I come home, and you never interact with the driver. The whole 'you should have checked it while the driver was there' is illogical, how long is the driver supposed to wait while some anal-retentive type goes over every part? Self-serving and idiotic.

I've started taking pictures (or video if it looks like it had a rough trip) of every box that arrives before I even touch it. Open top, take pic of the packing. Pull out bike, take pics, right then and there.

You can do the same before returning. Shoot a video or take comprehensive pictures of your packing job for the return shipment. If you make it vault-like, there is no way the seller can come back at you with additional damage claims.
Good luck.
shogun700":2jku8b0y said:
I've started taking pictures (or video if it looks like it had a rough trip) of every box that arrives before I even touch it. Open top, take pic of the packing. Pull out bike, take pics, right then and there.

:) just having my dinner mate then will pm you.

You have nothing to worry about, or infact do really. Its very simple and you will be refunded ALL your money ;)


Easy, open eBay dispute case, item not as described etc....

Send it back (if seller wants it back), you'll get your money back.

Seller will have to assume damaged in transit, it's up to him to claim his money back from DPD (good luck to him! :LOL: ).
Re: Re:

jimo746":h3dammdz said:
Easy, open eBay dispute case, item not as described etc....

Send it back (if seller wants it back), you'll get your money back.

Seller will have to assume damaged in transit, it's up to him to claim his money back from DPD (good luck to him! :LOL: ).

Have pm'd you but pretty much this ^^^

Because ebay is a law unto themselves you do not have to photo everything upon reciept like buying/claiming outside of ebay.

Buying from a buisness you are covered by the distance sellers act, buying from a private seller you are not, you need to take precautions if you want to claim. Ebay however overides most selling laws (and plenty of other ones too) and you agree to this when you accept their user agreement :)

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