Ebay purchase


Devout Dirtbag
I recently bought a front mech of ebay, it was described as bottom pull. I have tried to convince the seller that it is top pull not bottom pull as described on the 'bay.

I enclose a number of photos below. Can someone confirm that I am correct and not just trying to pull a fast one on the guy. He thinks I am mad.

It is the black XT indicated.

The first photo indicates it with a XT top pull mech, same cable arrangements etc. The second photo indicates it with a bottom pull deore mech.


simple test - which way do you have to pull the lever you clamp the cable end into to make the arm swing out? If 'up' then top pull if 'down' then bottom pull. If both then it can do both!
You're comparing pictures of a bottom swing to a top swing mech so it's not so straightforward to compare.

However, on your XT mech, it would seem that the cable would come from the top, give the groove into the cable clamp bolt, making it a top pull.

As orange71 says though, the simplest test is to move the lever and see which way it 'pulls'.
I knew it was top pull, just trying to illustrate it and get some confirmation.

He has now refunded and I am sending it back.
Cable-clamp right: Downpull

Cable-clamp left: Toppull

Cable-clamp right: Toppull

Cable-clamp left: Downpull