[ebay.co.uk] Proper old Stumpy

Who knows

Nothing a bit of brazing wont fix ;)
I'll let you know how I go sorting it ;) ha ha ha

No, seriously, I can assure you it will be fine as is........ till it fails :)


I was seriously considering it, as long as it stays reasonable, ie: low :LOL:
Are you going for it?
If you are drop me a line as i dont want to step on any toes as its not a 'have at all cost' type thing so dont want to drive up either of our highest price ;)

no I was going to bid if it went for silly money but you go for it, velo might be able to pick it up for you if you want to save on postage- really digging these mid eighties frames even given they ride like sh@ite :LOL:
Looks more like a 22-23" frame to me. If you get it Jamie, I'm interested in the lowriders if you are not...

Its large

It is a bit larger than i would normally ride but I thought of leaving the racks and using it as a road tourer :cool:
Have been thinking of building another tourer rather than using the Merckx for the long runs.

Looks like it's being sold by the bikestation in Edinburgh... could maybe ask them about the lug. Wonder why they haven't fixed it...