Don't be an ol'g(r)eezer: What grease do you use?


Fat Chance Fan
Hi all,

What brand of grease do you use?

Do you use different grease for different parts?

I am asking because I used to use graphite grease for hubs, BBs, headsets, even shifters thinking it was a very good option (in fact Campagnolo used it by default to its hubs in the past). But I found out that in fact, it's realy very sticky and collects a lot of mud especially on the bottom headset cup wearing out the bearings really fast.

So I am after recommendations or a better understanding of whether you have found a solution that works for you.

Thanks @mk one!

I searched for threads on grease before creating this one but didn't see the one you send me which is also very recent.

I guess it makes sense to delete this thread now.
Fenwicks assembly grease for bolt threads - brushed on

Silkolene RG2 for seatpost, pivots; stuff that moves.

Marine grease (MOBILGREASE XHP 222) - "Marine Use severe operating conditions high tack".. BB threads, hub ball bearings etc

Pace RG7: plastics, rubber (o-rings etc) suspension fork seals etc