Dodgy weld, is this safe to fix?


Old School Hero
Hi Everyone

I bought this at a jumble sale back in October and ended up doing nothing with it, I decided recently to move it on and so listed it on gumtree, within a few hours I had a reply, and the next day, a potential buyer came to look at it, the deal was almost sealed when he was having another look at it and spotted this, I had not noticed this and apologised profusely for it, I never want anyone to think I am some dodgy swindler, as can be seen in the picture, the weld is so bad, that there is a visible gap between two tubes of the frame. Is this fixable? I have a friend who has welded broken frames for me before, but would it be safe to fix this? Or would it be best for everyone to just part the bike out and scrap the frame?

Hi there,
Well depends on what the bike is and how much you paid for it ?
If you think like it as, if you were sold a car that hasn't been welded up right would you think about driving it ?
Bmx are designed for jumps stunts and posing on (lol)
If you think it might snap cos it didn't have a secure attachment welded in the first place, then you might be right to not sell it to the public / where there is a blame there is a clam / until it was fixed / or the buyer was aware in buying it, that it was not fit to ride

So at the end of the day
I would say better to be safe than let some one hurt themselves
If you can get it welded by some one who is qualified to do so and you still want to sell it
Declare it as unfit to ride or having been fix

That really the only thing I can say mate

Cheers B
Thank you both and sorry for my late response, my neighbour has put a spot of weld on it and repainted the area, still trying to sell it though :/
biz":14b3opop said:

bought this, wont be doing jumps lol, just another for the collection...weld is fine, just typical low end fair

Was that my bike?! I sold it a few months ago, and your description says Scotland. Either way you've made a cracking job of it, always thought it would look nice with some white mags :)