Lite is the narrow one.
(Normal had no other name.)
Magnum is the wider one.
Compe means kevlar bead.
HC and SC are later version (hard and soft)
Edit better add more detail as that may not make sense.
Lite = 1.9"
= 2.1"
Magnum = 2.2"
Later on (like a version 2 etc)
HC = for Hard conditions, E.g gravel, dry hard pack.
SC = for Soft Condition E.g. Muddier..
Add a Compe to any of them and you have the foldable Kevlar lighter version.
A lot you see in the UK are Smoke Lite HC Compe in Amber as there was a load sold out around 2010 ish in boxes. Should still be a thread on here, I grabbed a set.
Or the new repro classic in their two different labeled versions