Diamond Back Ascent 1991


Dirt Disciple
I'm new to the forum so be gentle with me , and although I apologies for it not being no Klein or Fat chance, this humble Diamond Back has been with me for what seems now like an eternity, and even to this day I still remember handing over the hard earned cash and wheeling it out the bike shop like a cat that had the cream, the smile on my face must have looked like I'd just won spot the ball and Id had the big payout.

I used to ride and race the bells off it when I was a little younger, but for the last fifteen years or so this has been sat up in the rafters in the garage, unloved and almost forgot about.

However after an 'unusually ' drunken night out , myself and best riding and drinking buddy malcolm got talking about our old pub and race bikes and indeed what had happened to them, we even had kinda of thought , one night in the dark and distant past , we had got that drunk either we had sold them for beer , or forgot where we had left them or indeed the local plod was now using them as there coffee and cake bikes.

After a couple more drinks to sober us up we remembered where they were and made a new pact , that this year myself and malc will return to sample and undertake our public duty to check out the many local drinking establshments like we used too on our bikes like the olden days, maybe this time around we could get to know the local constabulary a little better and sample their many different types of modern accommodation now on offer.

But before I can undertake these tasks set forth and written as a binding contract in vodka, , I'll need to put her back together again , replace the parts that had been 'borrowed' from friends and generally give the ol' gal some loving once again.

Period correctness and the fitting of non original parts is not high on the list of priorities , and certainly from memory some of the original parts fitted were replaced through natural selection as they either exploded or broke in three during our old 'crash test drunken dummy nights out' those events, coupled with the weekly amusing 'chase or evade the red and blue light' nights out' meant any parts that did suffer damaged were replaced as needed and would be replaced with what was available from the bikes shops at the time, so whilst period correctness is not vital I'm gong to rebuild using sympathetic period parts, of which no doubt my wallet is going to get lighter and the coffers of the retrobike collective will grow.

I'll put up a couple of pictures of where I'm at , and I'll try and update the thread when I get time and as I make further progress , hopefully some of you may be be interested in the rebuild , and I hope you'll enjoy my ramblings.

Currently the frame has undergone a full degrease, clean , paint renovation and full on waxing so at least she's finally looking good , just need to finish my beer off then its time to start browsing for those missing parts.

For now then here is where I'm at.


Thanks Unit3, honestly if you'd seen it when I originally pulled it out , you would not think it was the same frame :shock: , although many hours of cleaning and car polishing products seem to have paid off, something that i was concerned with was any issues with rust, but it appears that it may have escaped the demons :)

A full bike shot is not something I've really done since I finished the cleaning, but here's a phone one during the beer stops yesterday.

Lovely! A nice blank canvas to start with.
Looks really clean and in good condition. Love the mint sauce stickers :) .

Very nice. Just like you said, it's no Klein or "high end" maker, but I've always had a soft spot for Diamondbacks since picking up my '92 Axis more than 20 years ago. Just this past year, I scored a pretty good condition '91 Apex off Craigslist for $40. Stripped it down, restored the frame with touch-up paint/wax, polished up all the parts, & replaced a few things. Built it back up & it turned out pretty nice for a bike for my son.


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xxnick1975 thank you bud, Ollie , yes bud, its turned out really really nice considering , unfortunately I had to remove quite a few damaged mint sauce stickers off the tubing , but fortunately I think I have a few spare's somewhere :) as far as the blank canvas goes, 15 or so years ago, it was actually a complete ridable bike, I'll now learn that when my (fiends, and I'll use that term , very lightly, lol) say 'can I just borrow' sentence and decipher it as saying 'can I have' from now on :roll: but to be fair Ollie its maybe done me a favour as the components would have maybe been past their best as they had had a few miles clocked up, so blank canvas certainly at the minute makes me more interested in getting back into the hobby and keep the motivation high. :)

millsm good for you to join in the Diamond back party :) , and thanks for the positive comments, She definitely is no boutique brand but If I'm honest, I've really never been a massive fan of Klein's , I certainly can appreciate the workmanship, paint and innovaton behind the legendary brand, and no denying that they are beautiful bikes to look at , but after a test spin out on one in the early 90's in the UK's Peak District, I personally found it too harsh a ride for my liking, responsive and very fast , but too much of a full on race bone breaking machine for everyday use for my liking :)

Now Fat Chance's are lovely looking steel bikes , cant say I see what the massive following is about , each to their own , but I suppose I cant really comment further , regarding their ride or ownership woes as I've never ridden one.

I'm really loving the luminous pink colour of your Diamond Back Apex , very retro and cool :) and certainly for the price you paid makes it even nicer, you've a really nice selection of parts adorning it too from what I can see, In my eyes a very nice build and if mine is anywhere near looking like that I'll be a very happy bunny for sure :)

Would you mind if I enquire as to the diameter/size of the seatpost you are using please ?

I ask as your Axis is a 91 model, same as my Ascent, and I'd assume, and I could be wrong that the seatpost frame tubes on these two models from the same year would/may be the same diameter., obviously correct me if I'm mistaken in making this assumption :)

My ol' Diamond back had seen a lot of mileage during its past active service and it always felt nimble enough for me and the ride from the steel frame suits me nicely , I'm currently getting really impatient about getting her back on the dirt, especially as the weather here in the UK is super nice at the moment, but I'm not going to rush into any expensive component choices just to get her running, as I still want to do a little more paint renovation and touch up the odd paint chips if I can find a colour match (any suppliers you could advise for touch up paint ? ) , which should (pending alcoholic consumption levels, and having the ability to remain vertical) give me enough time to decide on which way i want to kit it out :) , hell!! I might even have a few beers now and go into thought mode :)


Thanks for the nice comments. It's actually a deep red, but looks a bit pink in the crappy IPhone pics, which is okay, as it makes it look a little more 90's-ish :) Anyway, the seatpost diameter is 26.2, which should be the same as yours, as the Apex has the same True Temper AVR tubing that yours has. My daughter's '91 Axis Team has a 30.4 seatpost, but has True Temper OX II Ultra tubing, so should be a mute point. As for the paint, I just went to a hobby shop & got some little bottles of model paint with colors as close as I could get it. The red I got was a little darker & browner looking than the frame, but it blended in okay & looks a thousand times better than all the chips the frame had, especially with the white primer underneath showing on most of the dings. I also re-did most of the decals (black lettering & yellow highlights) with the paint, and with a very steady hand, turned out a lot better than before :)
Top work there fellas , you can mix the paint to alter the shades quite sucsessfully

My first real MTB was a topanga in black spatter , nice bike

Get on with it then


Right the beer is flowing nicely and time to update I think,

First off thanks Mikee , interesting point on the paint , I'll have a wander down to the model shop and check out their range of humbrol's :)

And Thanks to everyone who has helped me on the site , and for all the encouragement on this build.

Initially I did have a moment of 'shall I just throw this one in the bin and buy something new moment' , but after all the times we have had in the past together , and all the places (read that as pubs) we'd been I thought I owed her a little more respect , and I'm sort glad now as she is really starting to take shape once again, so thanks guys.

The frame has now been totally cleaned, and polished to within an inch of its life so I'm happy at long last, whilst I was cleaning the original parts I was going to use again, and after spending some time on here looking at some of the staggering builds , I decided Its time for a change so, any of the original bits n pieces are now binned and are to be replaced with parts of a higher quality, whilst trying to retain period correctness.

'Period correctness' 'Higher quaity' . , See what you lot have done !!! :facepalm:

Hours , seemed to have turned into days , searching various selling sites seeking this or seeking that part , looking at this or looking at that bike, the constant hum of the fan on the laptop as it keep's 7 windows open so that I can 'flick' between tabs , allowing me to compare and collate data on this rebuild, whilst also allowing me to 'pretend' to work :facepalm:

So after this nightmare of a week , the selected parts were ordered, wheels, shifters, brakes, gears, handle bar , stem , and a new headset to keep things running smooth,
Slowly this week then they have been landing on my desk , causing me to have to think up some daily explanation (the wheels were really hard) as to why its needed in my workplace and why the secretary is scratching her head as to what are these ! ? 'new parts' being put through our company finance's :lol:

Weekends here so I'm hoping beer and weather permitting I will make a little progress and start hanging some of these bits on the frame.

to be continued.
