Day off "Get your head sorted" ride out


Raleigh Fan
Well, I’m back from my ride out to try and clear my head a bit, y’know, get rid of the demons in there that eat away at me!

Managed a decent (for me, who hasnt done ride for about 6/7 months) 22 miles, or just over. Not a bad way to spend a day off I guess.

I decided to take my £40 1998 Raleigh M-Trax 350 for its maiden voyage, and I was suitably pleased with it. I had no real plans of where to go, apt I guess given why I was heading out and I ended up doing a bit of the Water Way Trail, which included a small personal display from the Red Arrows.

When the sun was out, it was nice, and when it disappeared behind the black clouds that lingered, it was damned cold! I didn’t go all the way to Bardney as I intended once on the trail, as it started to drizzle a little bit.

I covered more mileage than I anticipated, so can’t be so bad I guess! As for the head, well, that’s an ongoing project...the same as a few bikes I have too!











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Thanks all for your kind words.

God knows what it wrong with me at the moment, probably just a combination of busy days at work, and lack of sunshine...along with the biking!
As a person with the mental health equivalent of a burning bin filled with lithium batteries I concur, a get yer head sorted ride is needed.

I've passed the Cycle tracks when travelling on the new Lincoln Bypass hand have been intrigued to see what it looks like...looks like they've put some effort into it...thanks for the post and it really is a good mindwash isn't it :)
I've passed the Cycle tracks when travelling on the new Lincoln Bypass hand have been intrigued to see what it looks like...looks like they've put some effort into it...thanks for the post and it really is a good mindwash isn't it :)
Its a good off the road cycle path to be fair. Easy going, and no real inclines. A good mind clearer!