Cool number plates


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
After seeing Al's ad, I thought I'd mention a number plate I saw recently:


Thought that wouldn't be too bad to have (after M900XTR of course ;) )
Theres a couple i have seen around town

T11 PME (tip me) on a Taxi !! (just for you LGF)

S1 TOK (sit ok) on an upholsterers van

G4 DJY (Gadjy) on a workies van :LOL:

seen plenty more, will pop up when i remember :roll:

My company is called Base Lettings & Management Ltd.

I thought it would be nice to put a private plate on my car and maybe some tasteful sign writing, free self promotion and all that!

Hmm, not at these prices! :LOL:
8ASE £11,795

So, I thought maybe something with LET in it?
WH 02 LET £14,495
HA 52 LET £4,495
LET 957 £2,445 (not too bad IMO?)
many moons ago saw a ferrari testorossa with 1RON

A golf GTi with 'B1GUS'

Brighton Marina had some old XR31 with '20FUS' spread out to read '2 of us'

A very old Honda Civic had '5EGA' until it got nicked