Contacting a company by email


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
What is it now :?

OK To explain

Im trying to contact ebay and although it says you can contact them by email there is in fact no customer support email address and all of the contact us options end in no email being offered.
Google the subject and the queries run into thousands. Which means there is none.

My problem is i bought a saw via ebay, it didnt work and i started the process to return it via a prepaid address label. I hit print and the print fails and doesnt go through. Ive no idea why, does this from time to time,doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.
But according to the status because ive pressed print that the return has been accepted and is in transit :? Er..No, its still in my hallway.
So how do you stop that ? You cant without Ebays direct intervention. Can i reprint the return address label ? Nope.
So i cant contact ebay without using the phone or ..and this is funny in an ironic sense BY LETTER :shock: :LOL: in this day and age they hide they tech and want you to go retro :LOL:
Phone has a constant banner thats been there unchanged for years warning of busy phone lines.

The recycling returns company on ebay has said they'll post me out a return label but thats yet to arrive and if it doesnt im stuffed as far as i can see.
Saw was new listed as new other as ex demo but its obvious that its never been used so could have been a shelf model but theres no power getting into it and God knows what that reason could be. But it means they didnt even plug it in before selling it. Came straight in no doubt on a returns pallet, theyve unpacked it, taken pics and put the stuff on without so much as even plugging it in to check it first.

And ive lost/misplaced/accidentally thrown away a new Hope hub :cry:

Ach, s*** happens

TWICE :LOL: :facepalm:
My bandsaw drive belt disintegrated . Saw is a Record Power RPBS10. The belt is in 30 pieces so i cant take a measurement and order something from anywhere but am kind of stuck buying the original even if its just to get the size.
I order it through the Glasgow Saw Center 3 weeks later still nothing. They have chased it up twice for me but still nothing in. A call to them proves fruitless.
I cancel
I go to email Record Power direct
You can send them an online message but naturally you have to register with them first and its the type of all encompassing registration you dont really want to be filling in just to be able to send an email to the company for a general enquiry . This is everything- Full name, Full home address, email naturally but I can just see those 3rd party scammers rubbing their hands in glee
Its all set up like a forum/social site where you can add friends, projects , a little gallery of your stuff. and Fav stuff.
But theres no forum

Oh by the way, did i mention that your full name remains for all to see on your profile ? You can of course hide this for security but to do so you have to upgrade your account. Naturally for a caring company, to upgrade has penelties in that you now WILL be receiving all the spam crap of the day.

All i wanted to do was send them a simple email enquiry.

Now looking towards Axminster to buy my thicknesser. If im going to be spending 800 quid id rather it was with a company that isnt out to take the proverbial.
I have been through the ebay jungle a bit recently and there is a get them to call you request. It does work.

I'll second that. I used the call back service when I posted 2 items to the wrong address and needed to sort out the returns. It was only a ball ache because one of the ebayers was painfully slow at everything.
If it's a company seller it's their problem to arrange collection under the DSR. Just open a case, give them a few days to respond then escalate it.
If (more likely when) they give you a hard time stick to your guns and keep repeating DSR until they give up. Once escalated Paypal should refund you.
Well ive sorted it all out :D

I decided after a few V&C's and at 3am to discover as to the reason power wasnt reaching the switch.
Out with the screwdrivers :LOL:
Traced it to a connection from the euro plug set up where one of the pins wasnt being fully in contact :? aha a break in the system and easily rectified with a pair of pliers.
After sorting it and now 4:30am i put it all back together but im not such i'd switch it one 1800 industrial brush motor at 4:30 am and the neighbours would crucify me :LOL:
Switched it on this morning and it powered up no problem. If i have a niggle it would be the handle area at the trigger and switch for the laser are warm :? Not hot but im putting that down to the laser as when the saws left powered up and the laser off the heat in minimal. As few other niggles would be a loose spring guard, means ill need to remove the blade to tighten up the mounting screws, I'll add a drop of threadlock in there.
So no need to contact ebay
My ratioal was if the worst came to the worst the blade would be £30 and im sure i could get £20 for the main saw working or not due to being new conditioned.
Problem 2 -Record Power
Logged in to my 'new account' to find that 'Richard' has taken the case. A quick standard apology letter from him and 'will chase things up our end as to why' followed by a sorry and I'll send you a free drive belt :shock: OUTSTANDING :D (Theyre £2:cool:

For anyone that knows about such circular saws the Tritons dont have riving knives.
So stop back later and we'll go into that in depth :shock: :LOL:

Cheers all
fagin":2fla76zh said:
If it's a company seller it's their problem to arrange collection under the DSR. Just open a case, give them a few days to respond then escalate it.

No it doesn't.
Distance (Doorstep) Selling Regulations has been revoked and replaced by Consumer Contracts Regulations anyway.
It annoys me when I have to register in a site just to find out postage costs!

Anyway, glad you fixed it!
Rampage":3t7aj9e6 said:
fagin":3t7aj9e6 said:
If it's a company seller it's their problem to arrange collection under the DSR. Just open a case, give them a few days to respond then escalate it.

No it doesn't.
Distance (Doorstep) Selling Regulations has been revoked and replaced by Consumer Contracts Regulations anyway.

OK I was thinking SOGA, but anyway it is up to the seller to either collect the goods, or confirm that they will reimburse any costs.

From experience I've found that if a seller is tardy or unhelpful, Ebay tend to find in favour of the seller and refund anyway.
Yes, I don't think I completely agree with the seller having to refund postage as if the buy had purchased from a shop they would have to pay for petrol / bus to get there. Although it's the easiest way I guess without loads of extra regulation.
I suppose it has to do with the completion of the contract. When or where you receive the goods.

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