The bike is in rough condition, the previous owner was the 2nd owner - he bought it in Mexico City from the original owner who only told him it was from the "mid 90's". One of the most useful thread I have found was on this site - Here. Looks like I have a Super Piu, There's a serial number on the drive side dropout 1H240. All of the details match - the mystery to me is the paint job - I think it has been re-painted. Plus it has decals and I think by the 90s most Colnagos had their text/logos painted on?
I'd love to nail down the year and decide what to do - if it was original paint, I'd live with the chips and scratches, but if it is a repaint, I'd love to do it right. I'm not even sure about the tubing since it seemed to change almost yearly with the Super Piu from SL to Tange to Brain. There is an SLX decal which is incorrect (no rifling in the down or seat tube). I'm 99% thinking this is a Super Piu now.