Can anyone identify this possibility Russian bike?

Nope, it's colloquially known as a "HVZ".
Swallow ("Lastochka") was a different beast.

It was the female version of little eagle (Orlenok)

Notice the:eek: lack of front brake
Here they were called swallows, after the headbadge most probably..
By the way none of these bikes are Russian.
All of them are Soviet, with "Lastochka" made in Minsk (now Belarus) and the Kharkov being (at least as of 13:35 today) still part of Ukraine.
As far as I know, the Lastochka and the Orlenok were both made in two factories, one in (as you say, Belarus) and the other in Lithuania. According to legend or rumour (more like) they were vaguely based on Schwinn cruisers seen being used by children on American bases in West Germany after WW2.