Brake shim anyone?


Dirt Disciple
In restoring my ‘93 Marin Nail Trail, Im finding some play in all the brake arms, with the front right being noticeably more pronounced. Was probably always there to some extent. But seems worse now. Perhaps because of age and wear, the studs on fork and frame have worn down, and are thus a little more disparate in diameter than the hole in the brake arm? I can live with the modest amount in the other arms, but this one up front is bugging me. So, I had read about making a brass shim at .001 or .002 that gets wrapped around the pivot/stud to account for the difference. Has anyone done this? Or can provide reasons not to?(other than having my brake not release due to oversizing the shim)
Thanks much

The better Canti's run on their own bushings. If they are wobbling, then you either have cheap ones or the bushing itself is warn.

Or it not bolting down properly.

V-brakes are similar.