Hamax Outback One. Bike trailer/ stroller.
Solidly built but smooth running and easy to tow. Adjustable suspension for comfy ride. Reclining seat and lots of storage in back for nappy bag/ food/ toys etc. Bike hitch swaps out quickly with stroller wheel. Water/ wind proof front window unzips and folds away leaving mesh screen for warmer days. Built in roll up sunshades.
Wheels release with one button and trailer folds down for easy transportation or storage.
From 6 months old up to 22kg kids.
Mounting kit for 12mm Thru Axles included.
Total cost new is over £900.
£450 including UK postage.
Solidly built but smooth running and easy to tow. Adjustable suspension for comfy ride. Reclining seat and lots of storage in back for nappy bag/ food/ toys etc. Bike hitch swaps out quickly with stroller wheel. Water/ wind proof front window unzips and folds away leaving mesh screen for warmer days. Built in roll up sunshades.
Wheels release with one button and trailer folds down for easy transportation or storage.
From 6 months old up to 22kg kids.
Mounting kit for 12mm Thru Axles included.
Total cost new is over £900.
£450 including UK postage.