Bike frame sizes and fit

I'm about 5'9 - 5'10 and was riding a 18 odd inch frame bike c-c.

It just occurred to me - there's no top tube clearance.

Different bike people recommend 1-3 in.

Does it matter?
It's typically recommended that you size bikes by top tube length as a priority, then by seat tube. That said, I'm 6' and all my retro bikes have been 19" as they seem to fit right.
Totally depends on the bikes geometry and your style, but as much as I can say 'generally' I like 19"/Large but am happy to make 18" work for me, preferring a compact bike. 6 1 to 6 3 depending on my back.

Hate seeing riders struggling to fit tiny frames.
i'm 5ft10/11ish, and fairly body-long and leg-short

I ride this 18.75in merlin...


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