Looking at new bike for MiniBoyBurning, moving on from hand downs.
She's taken to it so well and has incredible balance - was off stabilisers both after 4 rides which in my book is bloody amazing.
Anyway, buggered if I'm paying 400 odd quid for the en vogue frog - had no idea they were so expensive until I just looked!
Any RB rider parents with suggestions for decent 'first proper' bike which doesn't discourage natural balance and have geometry for a short armed long legged orangutan...?
Open to gears as she picks shit up quick, and whilst amusing at first, watching her spinning out her single speed does arise moments of sympathy - especially when it doesn't seem to tire her out in the bloody slightest regardless how much she spins...
Cheers all.
She's taken to it so well and has incredible balance - was off stabilisers both after 4 rides which in my book is bloody amazing.
Anyway, buggered if I'm paying 400 odd quid for the en vogue frog - had no idea they were so expensive until I just looked!
Any RB rider parents with suggestions for decent 'first proper' bike which doesn't discourage natural balance and have geometry for a short armed long legged orangutan...?
Open to gears as she picks shit up quick, and whilst amusing at first, watching her spinning out her single speed does arise moments of sympathy - especially when it doesn't seem to tire her out in the bloody slightest regardless how much she spins...
Cheers all.