Best way to ship a bike from the States ?


Senior Retro Guru
Whats the best, most secure way of shipping a bike from the US to here.

Not necessarily after the cheapest..just the safest and most relaible.

Also, would a secondhand bike be subject to customs charges..|??

I can answer the customs charges and yes it will be hit. over £36 and out side the EU is what the sticker on my watch from the states said So i paid up. But anther time a watch got through. So hows your luck? Do you feel lucky?
I have often thought the cheapest way to get a bike from the US was to go over there and pick it up. It can be stupidly expensive if the chap posting it doesnt get it as small as possible & it also gets hit by customs.
I'm not sure but it might be through the mail, not UPS or Fedex. I had a frame show up through the mail the other day. I had thought a frame would be too big to use US mail but I guess not.

I think two boxes, one with frame/components and another with wheels might be the best route.

I had a fellow ship a frame from France? maybe to the shop a couple years ago and it was just amazing. He completely stripped it to components, sandwiched the frame with one wheel on either side and packed every little nook with parts.

It showed up looking like a set of wheels in an oddly pointy box, very small and shipped very cheap. Wish I had pictures of it...must have taken hours to build the box and pack.