best retro mountain bike rim and why...

My main commuter (mainly off-road) runs D521's. In my ignorance I didn't know they were DH rims when I got them but was enlightened by a DH'er they were a good tough rim. With me at 220lb they are coping well with tree roots & curbs! Got a couple sets in reserve.

Mavic 230TIB, for the (lack of) weight.

My formative Mtb years were mainly spent on Mavic MA40MB rims, also light, strong, just had to hope I didn't puncture, metal tyre levers required!
Mavic 217, strong and long lasting. Also really like the 117 but not rode those as much as 217's, both come in Ceramic flavour too, whats not to like.
Maybe someone would let me know if the Ritchey OCR and ROC pro were decent rims.