Best *real* Chris King headset source


Senior Retro Guru
I know people on here have purchased these in the past. What’s the quality like and where did you get it from, Amazon?

Usually just grab them on Big Ali. The good knock offs aren't really that plentiful. But the cheaper stuff that took a bit too much artistic liberty is usually readily available and works just fine. They're no different than any other generic sealed BB in terms of longevity and serviceability. I've had my cheap knock off on multiple bikes and it still goes strong. Whether it'll live as long as my real Chris King headsets time will tell.

Threadless you're looking for?
Thanks. 1” 1/8th threadless.

Never used Ali Express before.
Takes forever but these days vat/import stuff is handled on the Chinese end so there's no real customs issues. There's usually resellers on Amazon and eBay but I usually just get it from Ali as I have a lot of problems using Amazon as a Dane.

Perhaps others know of a EU/UK reseller.
Many thanks mate
No bother. As said, if you get them do expect a decent sealed headset but not to the standards of CK. They're more of a vanity object, I bought one as a bit of a joke (as most of my other bikes run CC or CK) and actually thought they were OK value and had some interesting ano.

If you order from AE do keep in mind shipping can be anything from 2 to 3 weeks to 4 to 5. I bulk order from there every once in a while.