BB chasing advice [sorted. I’m an idiot]


Orange 🍊 Fan
So it looks like when I put the wrong width axle BB into my freshly resprayed P7 i’ve done some damage to the threads. No idea how.

Can’t work it out but it wants to go in slightly wonky - I’ve not forced it. The same cup goes in nicely on the other side. Figure I’ve done something to the BB threads.

Before I go sit in a dark corner and cry, I’ve read that chasing the threads might help.

Any help, advice very gratefully received. This frame means a lot to me and I need to get it sorted.

Also, if chasing is the right thing - can anyone recommend a shop that is good in Essex/London.

BB threads in an Orange should be left and right hand threaded, meaning one cup is specific to the drive side and one for the non drive side.

Sounds like you’ve tried to put the wrong side in. As long as you didn’t force it, the correct cup should screw in ok.
Idiot alert.

Thank you so much for the moment of clarity. I’d put the bike back on the work stand the other way round. I always have drive side facing out but for some reason had put it on the other way and was trying the NDS in DS.

Move along here. Nothing to see (save for a melodramatic eejit who thought he’d goosed his beloved frame)
Done that myself . . . And worse. I once put the cranks on at right angles to each other, got on the bike to ride it, and only noticed when pedalling didn't feel quite as it should. 🤦‍♂️