Thank you for the comments! I am only cleaning and polishing the frame and parts. Rebuilding, refurbishing; but not restoring. All bearing assemblies were in good working condition aside from cleaning, repacking, and adjustment. The reason for not restoring paint and decals is that value of this bike is as a piece of cycling history and keeping everything as original as possible to provide an accurate reference for others. The hand painted downtube is not easily replicated and why would I want to, it gives panache to the bike aside from the unique gearing of the time. I don't believe the bike is any older than 1935; it was purchased as new in '36, but it could be a previous model year bike. I have verified through the original owner that is was new in 1936 with no component changes other than previously noted. I am dubious about the Rigida "DECO" rims being original, but they were not swapped per owner. Regarding those rims, have not been able to find any good information on them. I know that Rigida made the "DECO" "A", "B", "C", and "STD". I have seen fabrication dates on a "B" rim stamped "1940-41; and on a "STD" rim stamped "1942". I still do not know the range of years any of the specific rims were made, or what the letter designations indicated: quality/use grade, size, width, etc. I have not paid much attention to the wheels since I am building new ones; but I will still rebuild the original wheels for reference/display purposes. If anyone has information on those Rigida rims, I would be greatly indebted to that individual(s). Researching all of the identifiable components, sans rims, put them in the mid '30s or a little later (pre-WW2) or so. The derailleur was phased out by Simplex by about 1940, although the Super Champion/Osgear units increased to 5 speed compatibility and were made up to the late 1940s to early 1950s. Without other reference images to this marque it is difficult to determine how many years that frame design was manufactured before and after '35/'36. Thanks for the lug images on that other marque, they do seem very similar if not the same so obviously not proprietary to Baggi alone, which makes some sense. Again traveling in the US is not unrestricted and I now need to quarantine for 2 weeks when driving the 1200 miles to my other house where that bike is located, plus it is darn cold up there now. I will present better photos of that ride completed hopefully since I have the wood wheels with me now.
Continue being safe out there and please follow the medical precautions. My hospital work, stressful enough without this present crisis, is not being helped by the general public in my area; especially the younger/college aged.
Enjoy your holidays!
Continue being safe out there and please follow the medical precautions. My hospital work, stressful enough without this present crisis, is not being helped by the general public in my area; especially the younger/college aged.
Enjoy your holidays!