Anodising info Please


Gold Trader
Not having any joy at all with local anodising companies near Birmingham. Any options out there??...Need a seat clamp redoing. It's frame specific so I don't wish to swap out for an after market one.
Cheers if anybody has a contact they've used...
Its not exactly on your doorstep but theres a place in colne (lancashire) who im told are bike friendly and quite cheap too.
Its colne anodising ltd. I dont know if they are game to do small stuff but im told they do frames etc so its worth a call. Chap I spoke to who had his frame done said they were dead nice chaps.
Frost Restoration do kits - you have a small part so should be doable; I'd advise you practise first.

good looking work
feel a phone call comming on[/quote]

me too Mikee looks really nice work, i have a Marin bear valley in a bit of a state was thinking a nice black anodizing instead of painting it