And today I did......

Erm, not all dog walkers leave shit behind, there's a fair proportion who are responsible and clean up after their mutts.
Don't understand the sled dog racers, who as a group being so visible in large numbers, seem to be the most irresponsible with a "couldn't care less attitude" to members of the public who have to put up with the mess they deliberately make. There's no other way to describe them throwing the shit bags into the trees where they are so visible.

In case anybody thinks I absolutely hate dogs, I had one of my own from my early teens to my middle 20's.
well today i gave up on the intense :roll: waitiing on too many bits and i really want another hardtail :LOL:

so i pulled the progear out and flung the monster t's on it instead :LOL:


just need a chain and the brakes fitted :cool:
Dropped the Vicious off at the powder coaters today, went for a Kawasaki green with gold flake for the frame and black bars and forks with gold flake. Last minute decision after finding oot they didn't have candy green. Bought a Thomson post from CRC to go with a black Thomson stem. Need a few bits of bling to tart it up but I'll wait till I get a partial build. Really need to get the Ritchey together for the Drum :oops: Sooo busy at work the noo.
Picked up my brand spanking new Genesis Latitude today - been out for a wee ride with junior tonight and fair enjoyed myself - haven't been out for 5 weeks due to the arm injury (it's much better but still full of dirty gunk)
Still got the retro disease though :D

and yes - all the reflectors etc have been removed and my V12's fitted instead of the SPD's
Bah, biggest crash of the year up the Pentlands after what was up till that point a really great ride. Now looks like somebody has taken a cheese grater to my right side. Right shoulder also a bit non-functional too :cry:
zigzag":bqjr19kl said:
Bah, biggest crash of the year up the Pentlands after what was up till that point a really great ride. Now looks like somebody has taken a cheese grater to my right side. Right shoulder also a bit non-functional too :cry:

Bummer man, hope you feel better soon dude.
Cheers gents, feeling better after a slap up chinese, ibuprofen and several beers.

OK, onto more important matters... fluoro red seatpost plus the fluoro red maguras... too much, or can I get away with it? I'm not sure, hard to tell without bike built up. I think the normal red forks aren't doing me any favours.


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