And today I did......

technodup":2b9b8n36 said:
And now I've just realised I'd better check my tyres for dogshit, else I might get a tasty reminder tomorrow. :roll: :)
Licking bike tyres... it's not big, and it's not clever ;)
velomaniac":3464ptpz said:
OK point taken but please and this goes for us all, lets keep our anger and aggression off this site. Its about old bikes ultimately :D
I know, and I wasn't even on an old one.

What's the internet for if not to vent some rage at no-one in particular? :LOL:
Enid_Puceflange":2yb6s2by said:
Forgot it was my birthday today , well yesterday now :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

G (enter senility emoticon here)

Many happy returns of the day :cool: How old are you now?

PS I agree with technodup ;)
Just cos theres a path dont make it a dog path :?
Belated happy birthday Gary...

Picked up a used 185mm Avid Roundagon disc for the front of the Haro for the princely sum of £3 last night. Should look a wee bit more in proportion on the 29er wheel.
I know what you are sayin' Velo but I must admit that dog walkers get right on my thruppenny bits. We live next to a park which is a farourite of dog walkers. That also means the pavement outside of my house is literally paved with shit. There is nothing worse than trying to herd young kids into the car to get them to school only to smell the stench of dog crap once underway. Taking them for a ride around the park has become a no no because within minutes the wheels get so built up with crap they look like mini Surly Pugsleys. Then theres the stupid out of control dog that chases bikes- not an issue for me as a good size 10 in the face sorts it in no time, but to a four year old who has just masteredthe art of unassisted riding its a very frightening experience.
I would love to see some really draconian punishments to owners who do not pick up. On the spot execution would stop it overnight. Oh, and putting it bags and then hanging from trees??? Wtf is that all about? Last week there was a pile of 20-25 shitbags beside the car park in thrunton woods, and a dozen more hanging from branches. Do these people expect the pixies to take it away? TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU!!!!

I will also mention the bunch of aging ramblers that were staggering down one of the trails in Thrunton the other week. On a DH track that mountain bikers have made with FC blessing. They went nuts when i came flying round the corner and started waving their ski pole things (Its Engerland not Norway ). Apparantly I could kill someone riding like that? No shit! I pointed out that it was not a footpath but a track, built by cyclists, to keep cyclists off footpaths and away from walkers, and i was entitled to ride as fast as I wanted and had there not been people stood in the way i would not be harming anyone by myself. They then ranted about public access and the right to roam, and then, cheek of cheeks, complained about the state of the track and our standards of upkeep.
Should you ride Thrunton over the next few months please ignore the series of shallow mounds and stench of rotting flesh beside one of the trails.

zigzag":yw7ijc96 said:
MTB specific trails = cheeky trails for walkers..

Fair play, but when I ride cheeky trails i ride it alone. Imagine being a lone walker on a footpath and two dozen mountain bikers sprung out and started hurling abuse and waving sticks at you???
Dr S, where I live, near Loch Leven at Kinross, there is a footpath/track around part of loch. There are plenty of dog-shit decorations hanging from fences, bushes and trees. Other trails locally have the same thoughtfully placed shit bags.

Don't know if any of you have ever been up to Loch Morlich, in the Cairngorms near Aviemore, when the sled-dog races are taking place, I have seen it twice. Not to watch the races obviously. All the trees lining the trails through the forests are festooned with bags of crap hanging from the trees, shit everywhere. There are 100's of dogs and you can smell the shit downwind.
The guy in the shop at the campsite hates them, said he'd rather not have the business than see the mess that is left by them. I've been back later in the year, summer, and there are still bags hanging in the trees well out of reach, just flung there by the dog-racer arseholes.

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