amc music: New Seeds February-25 show available to replay/stream!

New Seeds Jun-22 6th anniversary show broadcast live from bloop London studios is now up for replay, where we celebrated in style with 2 hours of nothing but the very best from waterfront dining - the absolute
of the chops
Nov-22 New Seeds broadcast from Bloop London is up for replay, with another 2 hours of golden electronica. Gotta love the Soundcloud comments 🤣
This month looks great, with a back-to-back session LIVE from the Manchester Reform Radio studios on Sunday 11 December from 18:00 to 20:00, then a 3 hour New Seeds live at Bloop from 17:00 to 20:00, which will be a proper party session to bring in the festivities and new year. To get you warmed up, check out previous years celebrations on this playlist 👍


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