Anyone into them? don't see a lot for love for them really, and obviously nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but we've just had a lovely '92 Trek 970 come through the recycle charity with mostly original XT and some ritchey logic brakes.
I only started selling Treks back in '95/96 so most of my experience is with the 94+ models but this one is actually really nice!
I'm not sure what exactly it is about it but the frame, but it just looks 'nice' especially the seatstay junction area really tickles my smile bone
Anyone else got a hidden liking for them?
I only started selling Treks back in '95/96 so most of my experience is with the 94+ models but this one is actually really nice!
I'm not sure what exactly it is about it but the frame, but it just looks 'nice' especially the seatstay junction area really tickles my smile bone
Anyone else got a hidden liking for them?