Dirt Disciple
Final update of my Giant TCR team once retro mod
Changed the groupset to 10 speed 105 with tiagra derailliers
Wheels updated to superstar components end of line set that cost the grand total of £37
chainset changed to miche square taper 10 speed chainset
Seatpost kept slipping so changed the clamp and post as i cant get on with single bolt stuff
Quill stem changed to threadless with an adapter as although i could change the stem that was way to long it made it easier to set the bike up.
Changed the groupset to 10 speed 105 with tiagra derailliers
Wheels updated to superstar components end of line set that cost the grand total of £37
chainset changed to miche square taper 10 speed chainset
Seatpost kept slipping so changed the clamp and post as i cant get on with single bolt stuff
Quill stem changed to threadless with an adapter as although i could change the stem that was way to long it made it easier to set the bike up.