1996ish orange p7 frame/front mech question.


Dirt Disciple
After much searching I've finally managed to find a decent steel retro mtb with a frame small enough for my mrs.
That being a 96 (going by frame no.) 14.5" orange p7. The bikes been built up with components off a earlier Claud butler, comprising pretty much entirely of m550 LX. The front mech setup is a lash up, it's got a bottom pull mech that then runs the cable round a roller to send it up to the top tube routed cables. But it does actually work. I'm trying to find the 'right' front mech, but I'm not sure what it should be, as there's a boss on the frame about level with the outer chainring bolts. Is the mech supposed to mount to this or can I just use a normal clamp on one, and the boss won't get in the way of the clamp?

Pics when I find someone to host them that isn't photobucket...

I had a small clockwork and using the cable roller/mech combination you have now worked best as a top pull mech resulted in terrible cable rub on the frame mount/outer hose exit, and a lot of effort at the shifter was needed to move the mech.

The boss on the frame is likely to be for mounting an e-type front mech. No frame band as it mounts via the bb and the frame boss.

Hope this helps.
I think I might still have the FD from the 1997 P7 a put together for Mrs Rouleur a little while back. Fairly sure it's LX. If you're interested, I can dig it out. Mrs went for 1x8 as she always struggled to work out front gears!

Oh, and I've started moving my photos over to Imgur. Seems alright and the phone app works (which is more than Photoracket ever managed).