1995 Bontrager Race

Frame arrived from germany this morning in some of the best packaging I've ever seen - pipe lagging, bubble wrapped and extra cardboard padding.
Its in quite excellent condition with barely a mark on it apart from where the front mech clamps on.

and for the reveal:

PXL_20220426_082327717.MP (1).webp


Yes! its the long sought after metallic purple (cadbury) bontrager race in large.

This one is slightly odd in that it has top pull front mech routing but two piece stays - so its probably late 94 early 95.

All the important things - brake bosses, chain suck plate etc are in place, it looks like it was built up and then never used.
The initial plan for this is to build it up a a retromod rider - bring the judys across from the racelite, M9000 running gear and vbrakes along with some modern rubber so its usable.

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