1984 Fisher Everest

Fascinating - is there any Fisher branding on the bike at all? Any references to tubing either? I wonder why a show bike of all things would have no branding on it??

Fisher MountainBikes catalogue from 1984 here: http://www.retrobike.co.uk/gallery2/d/9 ... fISHER.pdf

- in the range shown the Everest 84 would appear to sit one below the Competition (addendum - in weight terms).
There is no Fisher branding on the bike. I would not say that the Everest is below the Competition. The two bikes were designed for different riders. We did a lot of mtb touring back then and someone who wanted a bike for touring would want the Everest while someone who wanted a bike for racing would want the Comp. I think that I saw a 84 Fisher price list online somewhere, but I can't find it now. I thnk that the Everest may have been more expensive than the Comp.