1972 GT's


Dirt Disciple
Anyone got a 1972 GT BMX as i am after one as a 'period piece' to put on the back of my 1972 vw camper.Cheers.
If not,a few pics of one (bike,not van).
You'll be lucky to find a '72, to the best of my knowledge Gary Turner made his first frames around 1977-78.

This was the one I lusted after as a child:


1985 Pro-Series
mechagouki":1oyx7nx0 said:
You'll be lucky to find a '72, to the best of my knowledge Gary Turner made his first frames around 1977-78.

This was the one I lusted after as a child:


1985 Pro-Series

I could live with that :D
Acoording to Wikipedia (not necessarily accurate) the company was founded in 1979. Guess you need to find a '79 bus instead of a '72 GT. ;)
Me knows Gary was making them out of his shop for a few years before Richard and Gary became the modern day GT. Richard Long talked Gary into making extra frames for him to sell in his bike shop before GT was formed.
1977 do ya. Looks surprisingly modern for a 34 year old bike.
Not sure it would be worth it as to all but the expert (and I,m probably talking a FEW experts) it would just look like a modern BMX.


My GT pro 83 performer.
All bmx prices are ridiculous now too!

