
  1. Bartalin8

    IDENTIFICATION 80's mtb (1986ish Mont Blanc)

    Hi! I just bought this beautiful bicycle at a yard sale at Lago di Como. It has classic 80's looks, ITM bullmoose, a decent lugged frame with some nice details and a mix of Shimano and Ofmega parts. The cranks + shifter suggests that it is an 86 bike but I cannot find any information online...
  2. M

    Help identify: Pre 90s GT Frame & mid 90s GT Frame

    Hello :) unfortunately both bike are broken by now. The pink one got a broken fork. And just recently the aluminium seatpost broke on the red bike broke and its pipe is fused (or corroded) to the frame. But while looking for a "new" 90s GT for my next couple 1000km i was wondering what i was...
  3. B

    Help identifying a bike

    Hey everyone! I recently inherited a bike from my father, but I can’t seem to be able to pinpoint what the model is. He told me it’s from 1990 exactly, although I am not sure how much that is accurate. It appears the brand name is “Califórnia Cycles”(the logo is an inverted triangle painted...
  4. S

    Help Identifying Vintage Bianchi Road Bike

    Hi Everyone, Does anyone have any insight to what model and year this Bianchi could be? Frame size is 54cm, it says Campagnolo on the top of the frame. Serial number stamped on the front of the frame by the headset: 3C04735. The head badge is the old square Bianchi type. It looks as though the...
  5. M

    What is that road bike? Is it Swedish?

    Hello! I have this bike but can't find any info on it. It has Suntour components, everything original. Previous owner said he bought it for 1000 kron in 1986. Can you please help me understand what brand it is and how much can it cost?
  6. C

    Unidentified Kona

    Hey folks… does anyone have a clue as to what Kona this is and what the ballpark resale value is? Thanks (:
  7. M

    frame identification - enthusiast bike building newbie

    I recently bought this frame of Marktplaats in the Netherlands, with the project of building it myself - a first experience - with a touring/bike packing setup. Before starting I would be curious to know more about the frame, the model, the manufacturer, when it was built, and so on. I have...
  8. fiveSixteenths

    ‘50’s lugged mystery

    Morning all Well, any ideas what this might be? Stamped with four numbers and an ‘O’ or 0 separately on the bb Oil port, sharp rake, nice components, some of which look contemporary with the frame, others a top of the line set of early ‘60’s upgrades Arrived to be in Hammerite Blue, all original...
  9. SW78

    Is this a Kona?

    This Kona on eBay has a red frame, could be a 91 Hahana or a 92 Cindercone, has period DX thumbies but also has a lugged frame and no project IIs. What is it, any ideas? Thanks, Stephen
  10. kingoffootball

    1993/94 Fastback Single Speed - Scott Pro Racing?

    I thought I out to start a separate thread for this, rather than continuing the thread I started in chat to try to identify it. It has obviously been converted to single speed dropouts and I assume it originally had a canti bridge and more cable guides that were removed at the same time...