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  1. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    There needs to be a handlebar wrapping kit for people who haven't done it in 40 years. 3 rolls of tape. It is really easy to see which side I did first.
  2. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    dirttorpedo, those AuDAX rigs are really slick. thanks for the idea.
  3. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    It looks as if the Wolf Tooth Roadlink does what I want, namely lower the Campi Nuovo Record Derailleur enough to clear the 30 tooth cog. Wolf Tooth's notes say it won't work with a triple, but I was using the triple fine with Nuovo Record with the 27T cog. I just had to remember to shift to...
  4. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    That's a very nice bike, non-fixie. I'm using Campi clamp-on down-tube stops and am now confronted by where to put an adjuster and whose to use. I turned a ferrule for this connection and one for the chain stay stops and they both work fine. I should add that I inadveertantly bought an...
  5. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I was amazed at how accurate the indexing for the rear was. click-click up and down. the triple also works ok but it takes multiple clicks per shift. I'd read that Campi's first indexed shifters were meant to work with older non-indexed derailleurs but I wasn't sure that meant the...
  6. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    it works. both left and right shifters can handle the old nuovo record derailleurs. I was amazed. I need to get someone who is more skilled to do the final cable adjustments.
  7. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I'm assuming my Campi brifters are 8 or 9 speed. They were sold as 8 speed, but there are no markings on them that I can find although they could be under the hoods. The hoods I have are in good shape and I'm reluctant to try to get them off for fear of then needing new ones. So the magic...
  8. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    this one is a little nicer and has all the dimensions. Obviously I'll have to drill the centers to the actual JagWire O.D. which is a bit over 4MM.
  9. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I've ordered up a set of Campi Cables but they will take a couple of weeks to get here. In the meantime I bought some JagWire Compressionless outer housing (is there any other kind than outer?) and found that Jagwire's ferrules are too big for the stops both on the presend (temporary) Nuovo...
  10. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    HI non-fixie. What are you using for a rear derailleur on that very nice bike?
  11. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    Hi Non-fixie, it think we overlapped our posts but I agree with what you've suggested.
  12. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    The whole idea here was to get the shifters to the bar because I'm no longer comfortable leaning down to shift the friction downtube shifters. I had no idea the outers were different. the upper outers arrived with the shifters so I assume they afre ok although they appear to be spiral wound...
  13. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I agree on the frules. do you think it should be shorter?
  14. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    Believe it or not,. that is the original 1968 cable housing. That's the new SunTour 6 speed Ultra and the old Campi Nuovo Record Derailleur. So the question is would you do the cable housin different, maybe tape it to the tube so it comes out of the fitting straight, or make it shorter or...
  15. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I'd thought tlo make it a full-campi bike, which at this point assuming that either the present rear derailleur works or is replaced with a more modern campi, would mean replacing the durta-ace brakes with campi records (used). . In 1968 bike had Weinman Centre-Pulls and mavic sew-up rims. I...
  16. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I may be laboring under a misapprehension. There are some remarks in Sheldon Browns wonderful web-site to the effect that when Campagnolo first introduced indexed shifters, they were designed to work with existing derailleurs but required 5mm sprocket spacing. My guess is that the shifters in...
  17. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    non-fixie, not to worry, or better "no worries". I was able install the left Campi brifter after winning the argument with the hood. The new down-tube stops showed up today. Next week the cable-housing cutter should show-up and I can then put everything together and see where I am. The...
  18. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I bpought 1 29mm impact socket which fits the suntour hub adapter. I took it to the local tiure-shop where an impact wrench was applied and it camre right off. I recommend you use a throw-away skewer because when the freewheel unwinds it will strip the threads either on the skewer or on the...
  19. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    I lucked out - so far. I bought 8 speed Campi shifters on EbAy for $66. No road rash on the aluminum but the hoods show they were use a bit. I need to replace the down-tube shifters with stops. Campi offers two types, one concave and the other not. I think the concave type for for barcon...
  20. J

    Convert 1968 Raleigh Pro to indexed brifter shifting

    HI Chambo34, What are you using for derailleur?