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  1. S

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Went out on the road bike today, decent wee ride with some spotty but generally pleasant weather. 2nd picture featuring an interesting Telephone box for those equally as boring as me to gawk at, model K3.
  2. S

    Another Pitmedden meet up - Sunday 15th October

    Gonna have to tap out I'm afraid. No time tomorrow but managed to get a decent one in today, Hope to see some pics.
  3. S

    Another Pitmedden meet up - Sunday 15th October

    Cheers, appreciate the warm welcome. Aye already had a look through prior threads to pinpoint the location, no promises of attendance at the moment as other plans may come up; Finally had my very hard to get a hold of mudguards arrive today so that's looking good at least.
  4. S

    Another Pitmedden meet up - Sunday 15th October

    Jotting my interest to attend here, Depends if I can get my bike set up in time though!
  5. S

    MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

    Hello everyone! Done silently noseying around the forums (for now), Hoping to meet up and do some fun rides with others. I'm based in Perth and utilising cycling as my sole mode of transport as well as for fun. I own a road bike as well as a Peugeot Raider which I've been riding around a fair...