The bike looks great... I have it's twin which I bought new in 1991... Unfortunately I resprayed it and have lost the Pepps... The manitou ones I put on in '92/93 are now $hagged and I'm looking for a replacement; could you be tempted to part with your's? and is there any way I could get a paint...
My beloved 1991 SM800 has returned from a long trip to NZ, but the Manitou forks are $hagged, and my dad has weighed in the original Pepps..!
I'm looking for either replacement Pepps, or a decent set of Manitou one's (steerer dia doesn't matter on the Manitou's)...
I'm also looking for a...
Hi, I creamed a set of these in an argument with a car last year, car won... Luckily the 1990 hei hei frame survived... I am v interested... Could you confirm the stanchion length, I remember pace selling two lengths...