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  1. silverclaws

    Don't mess with newts

    The Fat is Back in Fashion People are taking this seriously, consensus is, it's coming ; ... vival.html
  2. silverclaws

    How to medicate your moggy

    Good you are looking after cats :D Mine was an old ex feral family cat, it had been wild for a couple of years prior to being forced into someone's garage in the winter where the guy tried to take it in but it beat the crap out of his existing cats so it had to go. My neighbour worked at a...
  3. silverclaws

    Old VW vs New VW

    I agree, the oldies are fun and a good experience, but the ability to just get in turn the key and drive is what most want now, oh and demisters that work within a few minutes instead of the lethargic heat from the exhaust heat exchangers wafting it's way forwards when it felt like it. I put a...
  4. silverclaws

    Numb hands after riding.

    I think the cause is the same as numb bits when riding, where with the saddle it is the perineum artery that gets crushed with the hand it is the ulnar artery that runs across the palm. As we age the artery walls become less elastic and so don't quite spring back into place like they did when we...
  5. silverclaws

    Old VW vs New VW

    Oh no, an old Alfa bad news. My pal finally realised his dream and got the car he was always after, a quadrifoglio verde Alfasud, well we went up to the peak district in it and as he was burying the car into high speed cornering explaining how the thing is known for the ability to corner as if...
  6. silverclaws

    Old VW vs New VW

    Stuff Scirocco kharmann Ghia was best; And no ECU's to stuff up the engine
  7. silverclaws

    How to medicate your moggy

    Cats are great aren't they, a dog is easier to medicate they just see anything that approaches their mouth as food and pups are even easier, just bury the medication in their crap and they will eat it.
  8. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    What has Mayan got to do with anything, haven't you heard of Peak Oil ?
  9. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    Yes it is worth the 45 mins of your life, but I knew about this already, it's coming and that is why I don't believe a word any political party spouts now as they are all in it together and the name of their game is enrich themselves before the balloon goes up. But they will continue to divide...
  10. silverclaws

    How to medicate your moggy

    If anyone has tried to medicate their little bundle of fluff and razor sharp claws they may find the following instructions useful;
  11. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    At last it has been recognised as to face it the government does not recognise aspergers, but depressive illness they do and I still maintain I have no doubt whatsoever that the accused would go through with his threat given the chance and that because I woud do so myself as I understand how he...
  12. silverclaws

    Tiger bread

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Don't worry, for I am on happy pills now, that is why I am not here much. :wink: :D
  13. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    Then as soon as his criminal activities were known he should have been tried as isn't that the point of trying people soon after their crimes, to allay mental torture ? This has taken too long but when money is being made it can take as long as necessary, as people don't matter beyond their...
  14. silverclaws

    Woah email?

    Beware the internet, is is far from safe.
  15. silverclaws

    MTB Terrain Fear

    Anything wet. And with that I wonder if tyres are made from the same rubber Vibram boots are made from as they don't do well on wet rock either.
  16. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    I highly suspect as far as British justice was concerned this was a non case, in fact a pathetic request and so they dithered and asked the president is he serious on this issue to which Obama replied he would respect the British decision and so that should have been an end to the matter. But...
  17. silverclaws

    Tiger bread

    It's changed, a few years ago when I developed a liking for this bread it was very tasty, but then to me a treat is a cob of freshly baked bread heavily smeared in salted butter and sod the health nuts says butter is so bad and salt and everything else for butter smeared bread I just love...
  18. silverclaws

    Gary McKinnon Extradition

    What he actually did nobody except him and those he offended knows for the media is awash with the usual half truths, lies and wishful thinking, whatever supports their position and their readership. But I understand the Americans won't say exactly what he did, which could be because they are...
  19. silverclaws

    STOLEN - GT Rebound 1995 Blue: Chichester city Centre.

    It is also worthwhile every time you do a mod to the bike- add a new part etc, take a digital photo of it, the bike as let's face it, digital photography is free and cameras have come on leaps and bounds, so high res images are totally possible. Also all my components are marked with a series...
  20. silverclaws

    Can it, will it ???.... Cardboard ?

    A cardboard bike resistant to water ; ... d-1.470132 I am waiting for the ATB version. But is a throw- away bike the answer ? And $20 I cannot see them selling at that price as there is a lot of work in those things.