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  1. J

    Oscar simonato

    Gios Torino super record Pinarello super record Colnago master x light OSCAR simonato spécial Peugeot py10 s La redoute motobécane
  2. J

    Oscar simonato

    Hello, I bought an italien bike branded OSCAR SIMONATO. Although i remember theses bikes in the 80's, i just have few information about it. Does anyone have information about this italian bike builder? Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    Motobecane La Redoute Road Bike.

    Hi all, I am george, coming from corsica, 48,and i just bought from a former motobécane staff member a la redoute-motobécane frame. I m building this frame with relevant equipement from the 80's. If interested, i can post pictures.