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  1. G

    Did they ever make an 8-Speed Freewheel Screw On Block??

    You're telling me you've never broken a rear axle with an eight speed screw on? I'm hardly the cannibal, but I've broken two on an eight, one on a six and even one on a five and that's just on road bikes. Never broken one yet on a cassette. Gareth
  2. G

    Single Speed Project - Old track frame

    It's pedantry I know, but I get a bit vexed when I see people distinguish between fixed wheel and single speed. I used to have a three speed fixed wheel, until the ASC grenaded in a big way but most fixed wheel bikes are single speed. So single speed could refer to fixed wheel or freewheel...
  3. G

    Did they ever make an 8-Speed Freewheel Screw On Block??

    All fine, but the fact remains that an eight speed screw on puts the drive side bearing miles away from the dropout and, as such, puts the axle under enormous strain. In terms of design and practicality it's frankly awful. I'm even beginning to wonder if many screw on hubs could be offset far...
  4. G

    film screening - one night only near you

    Here's a hint. If you want to make yourself really unpopular in Ireland make out that the republic is part of the UK. Oh well, nowhere within a night time ride or indeed public transport journey. Have to wait for the DVD.
  5. G

    Did they ever make an 8-Speed Freewheel Screw On Block??

    Most of the eight speed screw ons I've seen have been of the MTB/touring ratio persuasion. So, yes 8 speed screw ons are relatively common, but rare if you want a reasonably small granny sprocket. Something with, say, 21 teeth on the big sprocket would be fairly hard to come by. Just out of...
  6. G

    freewheel tool sizing problems! and associated issues!

    A few more thoughts: If it's the OE wheel don't worry about the thread, it will be the standard English thread. Indeed if the bike has never left Britain I would say that a replacement wheel is very unlikely to have any other threads. If you are mixing an matching threads then you will find...
  7. G

    freewheel tool sizing problems! and associated issues!

    OK, you're right about that. I was assuming that the wheel on a thirty year old Triumph wouldn't be worth rebuilding, but then I suppose it might not be the original wheel.
  8. G

    Got my Raleigh Ti frame back from the re-spray....

    Yup. That's where the Reynolds sticker was on a couple of may Raleighs and they weren't tiny frames.
  9. G

    freewheel tool sizing problems! and associated issues!

    Is there any indication on the freewheel of a manufacturer or a model name? It would really help identify the necessary tool. Have you tried here? ... t827_pg1/# I've got a variety of freewheel tools, but I'm not sure what they all fit. Having been...
  10. G

    Can this Merckx sale price be genuine?

    No, but it is in the States where such things are much more rare. Having said that the buyer has still paid waaaaaay over the odds.
  11. G

    Can this Merckx sale price be genuine?

    It's a sad fact, but almost everybody buying at those sort of inflated prices is a speculator. Either we're looking at people who are hoping to make a quick buck, unlikely at that price, or people who want to put it aside as an investment. Either way we're not generally dealing with people...
  12. G

    700c Wheelset

    The difference in brake drop between 27" and 700c is only 4mm. I've done the conversion several times and never yet have I had problems achieving the necessary drop.
  13. G

    White brake outer cable (and non-index gear)

    My LBS sells white cable outer and also sells on ebay. It's funny that a lot of retro types are always asking where to buy it, but it's hardly in short supply.
  14. G

    Freewheels and chain sizes

    Sorry to take issue, but 5 speed chain is not 1/8" it is 3/32". To answer the original question, it may appear that the single speed freewheel requires a chain with longer links becuase it won't drop onto the teeth. The vast majority of bicycle chains have 1/2" long links, known as 1/2"...
  15. G

    spaying bike frames

    Always risky to use the original paint as a base. Unless you know for sure what the original paint is you could be setting yourself up for a nasty reaction. In your case you were lucky. I've come across wrinkled, crazed and none curing finishes as a result of reactions between incompatible...
  16. G

    Freecycle late 70's Viscount

    There probably isn't anything wrong, but if you look at the third picture it looks like the forks bends back a little. Probably just the angle of the picture.
  17. G

    spaying bike frames

    I know it's stating the obvious, but the best advice when spraying is RTFM. Sounds stupid I know, but I've come across an number of bad spray jobs caused by people taking advice from their mates or a bloke they met in the pub. Rather than following the instructions that came with the paint and...
  18. G

    Freecycle late 70's Viscount

    Is it an optical illusion or is the fork bent back slightly?
  19. G

    spaying bike frames

    If you're talking DIY don't bother with aerosols, your control is none existent. You'll always end up with runs and the finish is not particularly consistent. Better to borrow or rent a compressor and gun. On the subject of clear lacquer it shouldn't take too long to cure, certainly not days...
  20. G

    1977 Raleigh Chopper Mk2

    Yeah but the MkII was welded up by monkeys, and looks like a cheap fake. Which is, I suppose, what it is. Actually I never got the Chopper thing BITD. They never seemed to get that common in our neck of the woods. There were a few and a few copies, Halfords Scramblers, Vindec Highrisers and...