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  1. P

    How did I miss this...(Middleburn closed it's doors)

    I won't go into the history but we BETD are in a much much better position now and part of a group with a £35 million pound turnover a year and targeting £50 by 2020 so we have things in plan don't worry. When I saw the news about Middleburn we talked about the situation and with a view to...
  2. P

    Cheap 36h front disc hub + front gold Hope pro2 32h

    It must have been an old Goldtec hub and we could have solved that problem as we made disc spacers to fit those hubs. The Draco's I think we have will work fine too. I'll have a look for you and get back to you.
  3. P

    Cheap 36h front disc hub + front gold Hope pro2 32h

    Might have a new Goldtec Draco at work. I'll have a look Tuesday when I get back in. Is it QR your running?
  4. P

    Marin Disc Mount help

    Hi guys, I'm hoping that someone can help me out so I can help other Marin owners out. I work for BETD and we manufacture a disc mount for early Marins. I believe it's the same as what's called Disc Mount 7. This mount works fine with some Marins and with no issues but there's also another...