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    Project Zaskar updated 7/10/08 with some weird french stuff!

    In New Zealand they were used as warranty frames, I bought one from the importers when they were overstocked myself.
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    My new avalanche

    I have some very good friends, one of mine dropped this around last night and said "have it, we traded it in because we thought you might like it". Can't wait to give it a polish. :) Will get some decent pics once I put it back together.
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    Suppose I should introduce myself....

    29/M/Noo Zeelund I own lots of bikes, definitely not all retro. For a day job I run a bike shop, and have done so for a few years now (apart from when I became a teacher for three years...) Latest two retro projects. The Giant is my precious, it's had three months use and is immaculate...
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    Project Zaskar updated 7/10/08 with some weird french stuff!

    Reallllllllllllly? We should talk. :D
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    magma carbon bikes????

    oh wait, that's just for the frame. In that case, I wouldn't be too worried about it. :wink:
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    magma carbon bikes????

    There was a limited number bought into New Zealand around '96(?), there was also a single pivot dual-suspension model. No idea how they rode, but a guy in Dunners used his as a courier bike for around six months before he broke it. :lol: Hell, I'd buy it at that price just for the XTR...
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    Can someone talk brake discs to me?

    Era-wise I'd be running Formulas or Champagne Hayes. The Formulas used 4-bolt hubs while the Hayes use the standard six-bolt standard. With that in mind I'd probably run a set of hayes. :wink:
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    GT LTS in unusual colour!

    definitely a paint job. That gen only came into NZL in burnished and a few in ano black.
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    1st Wellington NZ retroride 26th July Makara Peak

    I'll be there, then again, I live on Makara. :)
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    Giant ATX990 John tomac

    Will be cool to see how it turns out, and good for inspiration. I scored the US-made frame a few weeks ago that had only had three months use. :shock: