Search results

  1. L

    vintage BSA Wayfarer gents 3 speed

    Selle San Marco 'Rolls' saddle stamped 1992 Dibs on Selle San Marco 'Rolls' saddle PM sent
  2. L

    Cinelli Stem, 70 - 110mm & Cinelli bars

    If I had thought about it I would have said. My housemate just introduced me to them and I fell for them. I'll let you know if I am interested in the bars though. Cheers
  3. L

    Cinelli Stem, 70 - 110mm & Cinelli bars

    preferably not a 67 but I'm not too fussy, cheers
  4. L

    Cinelli Stem, 70 - 110mm & Cinelli bars

    Hi, basically I'm looking for a Cinelli stem that is between 70 and 110 mm (preferably 1A) and Cinelli Bars to go with it. Any help would be wonderful, Luke
  5. L

    FS: Cinelli bars and stems,

    stem & bars Interested in the stem & bars pm on its way
  6. L

    Ally's Sale: Vitus and Dura Ace

    dibs provisional dibs on cinelli stem and handlebars pm on its way
  7. L

    Road bike wanted

    Bought I'm all sorted for the bike now. Thanks for your help though. If anyone is looking for something like this anytime soon I'll send them your way. All the best, Luke
  8. L

    Road bike wanted

    size preferably 54cm (I'm not very tall)
  9. L

    Road bike wanted

    Hi, I'm looking for a plain and simple road bike. Something that is decent enough but nothing too flashy. I'm in Cardiff so I would need it to be sent (of which I will gladly pay the delivery costs) let me know if you have anything for a modest price. Cheers, Luke