Search results

  1. R

    Royce Titanium Bottom Bracket 73mm x 122.5mm **UNUSED**

    had a few questions on this. I had been fitted to all of hand tight until i was told it was the wrong size. never been ridden and light as a feather!
  2. R

    SPuDs from an Orange X2 c.1998

    thx vm. are/were they any good - i have never heard of them!
  3. R

    Royce Titanium Bottom Bracket 73mm x 122.5mm **UNUSED**

    Just listed on Ebay. As it says I bought it and mis-measured by BB shell - I need a 68mm - damn! Richard
  4. R

    Royce Titanium Bottom Bracket 73mm x 122.5mm **UNUSED**

    Admins - apologies - cannot find out how to remove or move to Ebay forum... Will post in Ebay forum - can you trash this thread...thx rich
  5. R

    SPuDs from an Orange X2 c.1998

    Anyone know what make/model these are?
  6. R

    Royce Titanium Bottom Bracket 73mm x 122.5mm **UNUSED**

    Just listed on Ebay. As it says I bought it and mis-measured by BB shell - I need a 68mm - damn! Richard
  7. R

    The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" thread

    Orange X2 1998 After my "telling off" for posting into the wrong forum (sorry boss) - I will try again... Any ideas on a: Orange X2 1998. Totally original (including tyres!). Good nick. Hardly used. I will post pics if there is any interest? Thanks. Rich
  8. R

    Rick Lobster frame 2007

    Any idea if these things keep their value? "Friend of a friend" wants £400 quid. Perfect nick - worthy of my ill gotten gains? Thanks very much. Rich
  9. R

    Orange X2 1998 - any interest?

    I have an Orange X2 1998. Totally original (including tyres!). Good nick. Hardly used. Any demand for such a beast? Will post pics if there is any interest. Thanks. Rich
  10. R

    get rich quick schemes

    Most of us have seen this photo before in referance books etc the famous pyramid of war bond helmets in New York Well my latest find goes beyond the normal small size photo This small poster size efficacy in reduction of calories intake form complex carbohydrates for an easier, correct and A...
  11. R


    I am in the process on moving out of the Big Smoke to the 'burbs so I can finally give my bike a run out at the weekends. A quick search on the internet to see if I can pick up on the new kit and try and relearn the lingo and HEY PRESTO I find Retrobike!!!!!!!!! This place brings back all...