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  1. Johnboy

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    I was walking on Lancing beach this morning when a hole suddenly opened in the clouds. I was half expecting the four horsemen of the apocalypse to come riding through it.
  2. Johnboy


    Sorry about Peggy @Markybeau . She looks like a tough little thing though. Anyway, is there going to be a 2024 'where's (insert name of dog)' competition this year? If so can I just enter this for the preliminary qualifying rounds please. It's not our best work but hopefully we'll improve in...
  3. Johnboy

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    Nemesis looks like a proper psycho to me!
  4. Johnboy

    Image Issue (Split from existing thread)

    All good for me now too, thanks.
  5. Johnboy

    Image Issue (Split from existing thread)

    Very odd, when signed in I can only see two images, sign out and I see them all?
  6. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    NO! I am not stressed (twitch) or tense (nervous tic) in any way. Furthermore I have instructed my gamekeepers to shoot on sight if they see you hanging around the tent again.
  7. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    I did actually. Squirrel's 'short tt' was a reference to the Overbury's, so NO!
  8. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    No, no and thrice NO! You can all keep your covetous eyes off my Canyon and my short tt.
  9. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    See above, NO! :LOL:. I had your tent exorcised anyway.
  10. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    Err no, no I don't believe I do!
  11. Johnboy

    The British bike thread

    Excellent! John's Eclipse Canyon and Overburys Wildcat. Oh, just noticed it's in the road section, never mind, you're getting them anyway!
  12. Johnboy

    BoTM Bike of The Month February 2024 - UK Special: Now taking entries

    Got to page 3 and started thinking maybe I would enter something. Then I got to page 4 and lost my enthusiasm, reckon the absolute best I could hope for even with extensive lobbying and/or bribery is 4th! :LOL:
  13. Johnboy

    The grim reaper came to visit me, Roberts content, be strong...

    Similarish colours and vintage to my old Roberts, now gone :(. Hope you get a successful outcome.
  14. Johnboy

    Like the Jacob Rees-Mogg..........

    Hopefully Rees-Mogg stays in the past! I'm sure he will regurgitate himself one day though.
  15. Johnboy

    Like the Jacob Rees-Mogg..........

    Good grief, well there's a blast from the past. Welcome back Mike! :LOL:
  16. Johnboy

    Show us a gratuitous full frontal!

    What's the headset on that @madjh ?
  17. Johnboy

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    It's a reflection in water?
  18. Johnboy

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    My very first astrophotograph. I took a load of shortcuts and was amazed when I got this image of the Pelican Nebula, how the hell did I manage that! 🤣
  19. Johnboy


    Stupid dog!