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  1. Repack Rider

    "Camera Corner," the Wende Cragg Story on YT

    Wende Cragg was an original mountain biker from the time before that term was coined. She was the only woman in a male dominated landscape, riding a modified Schwinn that weighed half of what she did. She had the foresight to lug a camera along to bicycling events whose importance can only be...
  2. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer book launch

    Last night I re-launched the new edition of Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking. I was assisted by Joe Breeze and Wende Cragg. There is a video of the event on the Marin Museum of Bicycling Facebook page. I don't have any way of getting my books to UK in bulk. I have...
  3. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer is back, and it's expensive

    In 2014 VeloPress published my book, Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking. The company was sold three years ago, and my title was dropped along with many others. I took back the rights, and purchased the computerized layout, since the publisher had no further use for it. At...
  4. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer is back in print

    Two years ago VeloPress took my book, Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking out of print. That made it collectible and the price went up over 10X.. Now I am back in print. The new publisher is Terran Empire Publishing. The price has gone up, but the good news is that my...
  5. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer is back!

    After two years in limbo, my book, Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking, is back in print. The new publisher is Terran Empire Publishing. The price has gone up, but the good news is that my royalty went up even more. New format is slightly smaller than the old one, but the...
  6. Repack Rider

    Every issue of Fat Tire Flyer

    I have finished scanning every page of every issue of the first mountain bike magazine, which I edited from 1980 to 1987. You can see them here. For a random sampling of the other vintage mountain bike literature in the Mountain Bike Legacy Archive, click this.
  7. Repack Rider

    Uncover girl and the MTB Legacy Archive

    I was scanning an old issue of Bicycle Action, when who should call me but the girl on the back cover, which makes her the uncover girl. While I have everyone's attention, it has been raining steadily here in California, so I just sit in my little office at the Marin Museum of Bicycling and...
  8. Repack Rider

    STW goes old school

    In 2018 I spent a day in Hebden Bridge entertaining the staff of Singletrack World, primarily editor Hannah Dobson, who wrote an article about the experience. More recently, as in earlier this year, she returned the favor by visiting Fairfax. So I spent another day entertaining her. Her story...
  9. Repack Rider

    Singletrack Comes Calling

    Last spring Hannah Dobson, editor of Singletrack, reciprocated for my 2018 visit to Hebden Bridge with a visit of her own to Fairfax. It took forever for her to get it into print, and it's behind a paywall, but here is the link...
  10. Repack Rider

    Bike Museum needs a few YT subscribers

    I volunteer at the Marin Museum of Bicycling/Mountain Bike Hall of Fame in Fairfax, California. There are frequent lectures and programs held there that would be of interest to the cycling public, such as the upcoming Mountain Bike Hall of Fame induction. The building has video capability, and...
  11. Repack Rider

    '70s Colnago

    My uncle is 91 y.o. He lives on a dirt road, and only rides his Ritchey mountain bike these days. Since he had no further use for his '70s Colnago, he gave it to me with the admonishment that I shouldn't sell it. I spent more than it cost when it was new, to restore it.
  12. Repack Rider

    '70s Colnago

    50 years ago I had a 1971 Colnago. My uncle, who is 15 years older, figured that if I had one, they must be nice bikes, so he bought one a few years later. Then he put a book rack and clincher tires on it. In 1979 he was also the first customer for Gary Fisher and me, in our company called...
  13. Repack Rider

    45th anniversary coming up

    On October 21, 1976 I agreed to help a few friends settle an argument as to who was the fastest downhill rider on our modified "klunker" bikes. We had decided that a time trial was the way to make it as fair as possible. I worked out a timing system with a couple of clocks. We had that race on a...
  14. Repack Rider

    1983 Ritchey Annapurna

    This bike had been in a state of genteel decay, since I was not riding it., My friend Josh Orlando brought it back to life. Tom Ritchey built this custom frame for me. Paint is original, and very battered. Tom put my name on it, but most of it has worn off. This bike has been to a few amazing...
  15. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer Products in UK

    I apologize if this is posted in the wrong area. If it disappears I will know why. I had an email from a RetroBiker asking about some of the items I sell online, i.e. posters, t-shirts, old copies of my magazine, etc. Because postal expenses add so much to the price of these items sent to...
  16. Repack Rider

    Jacquie Phelan poster

    I have printed posters of the 1986 Fat Tire Flyer cover featuring Jacquie Phelan. They are printed on heavy 17" x 11" poster stock. Then I had her sign a bunch of them, which I am sending to my UK distributors, "Fat Tire Flyer UK & Europe." See Benji Norton at the Bike Cabin if you need one.
  17. Repack Rider

    Fat Tire Flyer UK & Europe

    I am ably represented across the pond by Fat Tire Flyer UK & Europe. They will sell you Fat Tire Flyer logo items, such as t-shirts, original copies of Fat Tire Flyer magazine, coffee cups, and my signed "Repack" race posters. Check them out on Instagram
  18. Repack Rider

    I got this award...

    Singletrack Magazine has informed me that I won their annual "Legends" award. Why do I feel like they made it up just to give it to me? In any event, it will look great in my trophy case, which is currently empty. Here it is.
  19. Repack Rider

    Being Gary Fisher

    Gary Fisher's book has finally hit print, a little late for the Christmas season. It's called "Being Gary Fisher." It's not sold through traditional book outlets like Amazon or book stores, only from Trek or through Trek dealers. I have no information about the availability in UK.
  20. Repack Rider

    I made the local newspaper for something I did 44 years ago

    The San Francisco Chronicle" How A Wild Downhill Race In 1970S Marin County Launched National Mountain Biking Trend