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  1. fearfactoryüberalles

    Swis(h) beauty-Sbike 829 full susser/full M900

    Could ride dreadfully with that stupid alloy-looking front fork, but at least it's suspended under your bottom:
  2. fearfactoryüberalles

    Titanium stem with 15 D + rise-dodgy back alert

    Hi all, I'm building my ultimate (at least to me) rigid Ti MTB and looking for a 1" or 1 1/8" ahead 100-120 mm ti stem with at least 15 degree rise. If anyone could help me with this issue, I'd be most grateful! Thanks, Endre
  3. fearfactoryüberalles

    M900 NOS/NIB stuff + some later XTR, bundle price

    Not a bargain, but for a retro hamster not a bad deal either, collection in person only though:
  4. fearfactoryüberalles

    Bling-bling: NOS Gold LX set

    Overpriced, but rather difficult to gather them together like this:
  5. fearfactoryüberalles

    If you sold your soul in the '90s, now you can buy it back-Syncros Revolution

    Doubt this set would plummet in value anytime soon...:
  6. fearfactoryüberalles

    This guy takes no hostages-M900 NOS/NIB craze

    So you wanted to avoid that infamous early January blues and this comes up 😵‍💫 ...: Factoring the hassle/time/postage problems in getting a similar groupset, this offer could be seen not...
  7. fearfactoryüberalles

    Hey champ, I still needed that eyesight, damnnn-bonkers Slingshot

    Speaking loudly for itself(herself?): Not my cup of tea, but quite an attention-grabber nonetheless.
  8. fearfactoryüberalles

    If you thought ze Germans had no sense of humor...OMFG! XTR heresy

    This, I can't believe my own fookin eyes:
  9. fearfactoryüberalles

    Beauty & bestiality: Clark Kent F-16 Z-link frameset

    Uhh, what a brute:
  10. fearfactoryüberalles

    When legends meet: Raleigh/Tomac/Ti

    Looks in reasonable condition and a complete steal at that asking price. Even the forks look saveable. Someone from the Hansa-region please rescue it!!!
  11. fearfactoryüberalles

    Any more hardcore than this...?Oh, Canada!

    If you sold your soul since the 90's, now you can buy it back:
  12. fearfactoryüberalles

    Some fine piece for the lightweight enthusiast: Willier Genius

    It is what it says on the tin, silly light and good size too, for V-brakes and a lovely chrome effect varnish: If it's got a 68 BB, then not much to complain about.
  13. fearfactoryüberalles

    Titanium Onza barends-NOS/NIB

    I guess some fella is after a pair around these circles, so go grab them while you can (not mine):
  14. fearfactoryüberalles

    BEWARE: adult Rocky content!

    Not for the faint hearted:
  15. fearfactoryüberalles

    Chancers are all around the place-alu Morati :-)

    Looks fake and rather nasty at once:
  16. fearfactoryüberalles, any experience?

    Hi, I was searching for some NOS XC Pro stuff some time age and found this website: Do they really stock those lovely NOS parts or is the website content expired? No reply from them either. Any thoughts?
  17. fearfactoryüberalles

    Sold SOLD Marin Team Issue 1994 17.5" (Marin-size) NOW SPLITTIN'!

    Hiya peeps, I got this little beauty up for sale. Tange Ultimate Superlight frame, about 1850 gr. weight. Parts are M900 XTR, XT BB & cassette,, Araya 395 rims, Flite Ti saddle. Very reluctant sale. Yes, some superficial rust is there, nothing to write home about. Price is 700 GBP posted to...
  18. fearfactoryüberalles

    It doesn't get any more Teutonic than this...Porsche in red

    Talk about colour-coded stuff, eh? Cost an arm & leg back then, I wonder how much does the seller need for it now:
  19. fearfactoryüberalles

    NOS Muddy Fox-nice colour/size/ M730 XT stuff

    Bargain, even if you (as me) hate alu-getting a similar groupset would cost alone 6-700 EUR (and some grey hair).
  20. fearfactoryüberalles

    For Sale SOLD:NOS Morati 26" Disc Forks 1 1/8 A-Head

    Hi all, as some importanter (ha-ha) stupid things keep taking places in my life, I've decided to put this beauty on the market with a heavy bleedin' heart. With OEM bag, and warranty card/user manual (with correct torque data, etc.) NOS, never been built into, no starnut fitted, uncut 258 mm...