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  1. PrimalAdventure

    Sun 20th Rough Roads Ride

    Re: Sounds great Pete, I have a modern CX bike with some 32mm Schwalbe land cruisers on, perfect for this ride. The only problem is I cant make it :facepalm: I will look forward to the aftermath pictures :D Stuart.
  2. PrimalAdventure

    Cadair Idris Aftermath

    The shelter is still there Mark, a couple had been up there all night drinking red wine :facepalm: Stuart
  3. PrimalAdventure

    Dalby Forest Red Route 26th of May

    I will be spending the weekend in North Yorkshire camping, so I have decided to ride Dalby on the Saturday. Meeting in the car park @ 10.00 am for a 10.30 start ... d-0.688305 Red Route, I think it costs 8 quid...
  4. PrimalAdventure

    Cadair Idris Aftermath

    This was not an official retro bike ride, however it was awesome, so get your pictures on this thread. Stuart.
  5. PrimalAdventure

    Settle to Malham Aftermath

    Thank you to everyone who made this a cracking ride, and what a laugh we had, just a few highlights. Ste Sand, climbing for the first 2 miles, only to realize he had left his back pack in the car park :facepalm: Kebab Ken needing a defibrillator, good job we had to wait for Ste. 3 of us...
  6. PrimalAdventure

    Settle to Malham Saturday 12th of May

    Re: So who is joining us then, so far we have slmracing Matthews Kentobeli Book of faces we have, Luke Young, Steven Le Ferve Gadd. Anyone else please post below so we have an idea of numbers. Stuart.
  7. PrimalAdventure

    Settle to Malham Saturday 12th of May

    Re: Re: What bike is it Ken? what type of shifter? Is the inner cable seized solid ?
  8. PrimalAdventure

    Settle to Malham Saturday 12th of May

  9. PrimalAdventure

    Settle to Malham Saturday 12th of May
