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  • Users: epicyclo
  • Before: Apr 10, 2020
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  1. epicyclo

    The Great Cull of 2020

    It's April and bugger all has happened except the attic is getting tidier. Still got the parasites living with us, and the dog has got a new expensive life. But I've been busy, meant to write this post 8 days ago. Mainly it's been chucking out rubbish, e.g. buckets of unused XTR derailleurs...
  2. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    I believe there's an instructional video on hauling kids in trailers. You should show it to your Sharron. Can't remember its name but it's by a bloke called Danny something... :)
  3. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    Babymaker? My wife would never let me get one of those. She's had enough problems with my existing one...
  4. epicyclo

    And today I did......

    Re: Re: If Jamie gets the job, we'll have a MacRetro day up his way. He can bring his gun from work and we can go Puffin shooting on the cliffs at Dunnet Head. Followed by a BBQ with his speciality, Puffin omelette. I suggest this day, next year.
  5. epicyclo

    Vintage 1932 - 1933 Black Sunbeam bicycle 22" frame

    That looks rather nice. It has the neat rear brake too.
  6. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: Now put in a skylight to let the Sunbeams in... :)
  7. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Don't forget I got that spoke tensioner for you.
  8. epicyclo

    And today I did......

    Are you sure Heather doesn't read this? Maybe you're about to meet the woman of your nightmares. How many Mercians is it worth not sending her the link? :)
  9. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: Your kindness is only exceeded by your personal beauty... :) But I think I'll manage.
  10. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: I've not been able to confirm it, but if it's true, I'm a goner if I get it. So now I'm looking at my bikes and thinking "Do I want to miss my what could be my last chance?" Luckily I can get a decent ride in without touching the tarmac apart from about 200 yards, and I won't be near...
  11. epicyclo

    RBotM Feb 2020 - Classic Rod Braked Roadsters - POLL NOW UP!

    Re: Re: It is outstanding and got my vote. :) I like to see them getting ridden hard like they used to be.
  12. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    That got me with "Wine Gums and other Superfoods" Proper cycling literature. :)
  13. epicyclo

    The Great Cull of 2020

    Amazing how fate interferes with my culls. Daughter breaks ankle big time, ends up with surgery, 2 plates, plenty pain so has to be fetched home from Glasgow. Still here tottering around on a zimmer frame. Sick son from Oz still here too. Life is strange. We held on to our bigger house for...
  14. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    Re: Re: Actually, that brings up a point I've been mulling over about SS events. I've talked to Jamie about this a bit too. A considerable part of the world lives in places with no spatial freedom, so they just have to ride round and round in designated playgrounds with designed features. As...
  15. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    Re: SSSC 2020 Terrible idea. I like your thinking. Loads of prizes and make it fun. I'll be there with a prize contribution. :) BTW I own the domain so that could be used. It's been moribund for 10 years.
  16. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    Hope there will be pics :)
  17. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    I'm not sure my Windrush will want to hang out with a flash iron like that... Proper brakes though. :)
  18. epicyclo

    The Great Cull of 2020

    I'd never do that. :) Bicycle parts I was accumulating to build a replica Road Racer, but then I found a real one, so no longer necessary.
  19. epicyclo

    The Great Cull of 2020

    Time to get back on to this. Son still hasn't come up to pick up my Pugsley, so that N-1 hasn't happened. Which is unfortunate because my bike from Australia arrived, so that's N+1. Life is cruel... :) But I'm fit now and can start lumping things around and pulling stuff out of the dark...
  20. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: No it's an original 907 from before when they introduced the model where some fat bastard sat on the toptubes. It doesn't have modern trail geometry so it's really good in its intended conditions and on climbs. As fatbikes go, it's retro. :)