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  1. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Lock down road ride. To keep within the spirit of lockdownI kept it within 4 mile radius of home. I originally was going to take the singlespeed out and give it/me a flogging, but it must have read my mind because its tyre had gone soft. I decided I wasn't going to muck around fixing it...
  2. epicyclo

    MacRetro chat and rides thread

    2 unicyclists did the first StrathPuffer.
  3. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: Good question. :) I don't see much point on sticking stuff on eBay right now because I'd have to give it away. I even bid on a bike, and some swine outbid me. So disastrous. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great Accumulation of...
  4. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: Concept I do not understand...
  5. epicyclo

    And today I did......

    Re: Re: Mate, I can't imagine anyone here who would do that deliberately. You are well respected and a good person.
  6. epicyclo

    And today I did......

    Took the fripperies off my BMW R100RT. What a piece of crap design that fairing is from the viewpoint of accessibility. I was tempted to saw it off but restrained myself. It came off eventually but at the expense assorted fresh meat off my knuckles. I should have been riding my bike instead...
  7. epicyclo

    Out of lockdown planning.

    Re: Re: No worries Velo, social distancing was observed. There was probably no one within a km of me for most of the ride. Strangely no one seems to take their bikes in many of the places I do. I'm more at risk on the daily dog walk.
  8. epicyclo

    Out of lockdown planning.

    Seeing as Jamie has a nice shiny newly painted Flying Scot, I know he will be desperate to get an opportunity to take it for a decent road ride. Being the thoughtful chap I am, I thought I'd map out a perfect road ride route for him. So I grabbed my bike with the skinniest tyres. It's a Ti...
  9. epicyclo

    Short Alloy Mudguards

    Used to cut them down ourselves.
  10. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Re: Re: Aye, but the winters are grim up in the north of Oz. Some days the temperature drop to the low 20ºs. You've got to be tough to endure that... :)
  11. epicyclo

    Did the Victorians know more about bicycle design?

    One advantage of a high bike back then was it put you on a par for height with horse riders.
  12. epicyclo

    Show us what you did today, thread

    Aussie flags - I think Jamie has a supply of them. If not, I have... :)
  13. epicyclo

    The Great Cull of 2020

    Re: Re: First time I've heard of a blacked out govt RangeRover being called a van.... You wouldn't want that XTR stuff anyway, or the Campy Record stuff I took off the Flying Scot and the Bertin. The bucket I stored them in was at the front of the shed and the missus thought it was the salt...