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  1. Radoslaw

    Midweek Moontains

    Eh, why not. I'll refresh my memory about misty law. Wasn't that bad last time after all. It's been raining couple of days but bogs may be quite fresh and not so stinky :P
  2. Radoslaw

    A Summer Evening on Ben Lomond

    Well, I'm glad I alive. Just a quick warning, G. is a man of extreme routes, you can be almost certain you'll get back bruished and knackered :lol: Even last road run wasn't a sunday walk in the park. Be prepared for mental 20% uphills :shock:
  3. Radoslaw

    And today I did......

    I'm pretty sure Gmac will come up with some comments and photos soon. I'll just throw few words to summarize: Blood, sweat, pain, twisted ankles, twisted wrist, damaged elbow, more pain, over the bar, midges, misery, puncture, more crashing. That's pretty much for me. To be fair some part of...
  4. Radoslaw

    A Summer Evening on Ben Lomond

    I'm in. Haven't been on road for ages.
  5. Radoslaw

    A Summer Evening on Ben Lomond

    I'm good for both dates, Friday is better tho.
  6. Radoslaw

    10th Anniversary FAT

    But split and robbed from Campa stuff this time.
  7. Radoslaw

    And today I did......

    Back from holiday and retro MTB meeting near Krakow. Bloody hell, it was mental :shock: Cannonball race. Was very hot as well. Guys were incredibly fit. I was lame on downhills as usual but I was crap on uphills too, nuff said. Was great. Maybe someone will be fancy next year but better start...
  8. Radoslaw

    10 under the Ben/ Fat Tyre Weekend

    Missed 10utb first time... Holiday in Poland. Retro MTB event in Krakow. Well done lads.
  9. Radoslaw

    A Summer Evening on Ben Lomond

    I can do any date after 1st of June (back from holiday)
  10. Radoslaw

    Glentress 6th Annual Meet: Sunday 9th June

    A great day out indeed. I've really enjoyed whole day. Went for 12h sleep when back home though :shock: To fullfill macretro tradition of crashing under ZZ absence I had to crash. Wasyn't very spectacular but it counts. Some photies: Macretro crew in action Even camera couldn't handle...
  11. Radoslaw

    NOS 1980's retro air

    I would buy this but some points aren't quite clear to me in your terms and conditions.
  12. Radoslaw

    Frank Herety be different £75 cheshire

    :shock: Columbus MAXOR bike for £75? Bargain of the year.
  13. Radoslaw

    Look at this GT

    But it does have flat end cap and sort of three triangles :P
  14. Radoslaw

    20" Zas LE frame

    Possibly a 19'. Third triangle is larger than in 18' while headtube remains the same. Fairly rare size and fit best for me.
  15. Radoslaw

    Glentress 6th Annual Meet: Sunday 9th June

    Just saw Aviemore aftermatch. Geez ZZ, hope you're get better soon. Funny enough, I had crash and broke my nose last Sunday, too much speed but not enough brain in my case.
  16. Radoslaw

    Glentress 6th Annual Meet: Sunday 9th June

    I should be there. I'll take something retro.
  17. Radoslaw

    porsche fs going mental

    Not bad bike at all but that said it's way too much money for what it is, a re-badged Votec bike.
  18. Radoslaw

    Titamium Fat Chance

    Damn, I've must been lucky with Saratoga made frame bought just around 1K :?
  19. Radoslaw

    Midweek Moontains

    Just back from holiday. We can back to weekly schedule plan, just give me a shout. Oh, ZZ no silly SS bikes :lol: I'll be cycling from work next time so that 10 mile run up to cathkin point will make me tired enough.