For sale
XT rear mech M739 8 speed, used condition short cage.
Has just had the main spring replaced so its nice and snappy.
£11 posted (uk)
or post px/deal on some nice self extracting crank bolts (xlite, middleburn etc) no purple;-)
Sorrys it looks like my connection at work wouldn't open all the pictures, leading me to think they weren't going up. I'll delete the duplicates.
Mr Jolly
For sale
XTR Cassette M900 32-12 VGC still on first chain,
Sram PC 68 chain for above, hasn't reached 75% wear yet on the indicator £29 posted the pair
LX cassette 8 speed 30-11 used but with good life left in it, £12 (might still have the last chain for it as well.)